Introducing “Accent! Downtown Moncton Centre-ville”
by Downtown Moncton Centre-ville Inc. 

Downtown Moncton – Tuesday, July 30th, 2024 

Downtown Moncton Centre-ville Inc. (DMCI) is thrilled to unveil “Accent! Downtown Moncton  Centre-ville,” a new initiative designed to ignite creativity, foster community spirit, and bring  energy to the heart of Downtown Moncton. 

This latest addition to our programs is aimed at beautifying our downtown and weaving art into  the daily lives of locals and visitors alike. 

Launching today, our debut project is a Window Mural Series to highlight local community  members and their artwork. We will brighten up our downtown displays by animating windows  and storefronts that are currently underutilized or under construction, while providing more  reasons for everyone to explore the space. 

The program is aptly named “Accent!” to signify highlighting with a distinctive emphasis our  downtown area. 

Submissions are now open for the Window Mural Series through the DMCI website. Children,  youth, and community members of all-ages may submit artwork to be digitally reproduced as a  printed window wrap. For more information on the submission specifications, selection process,  and timelines, please visit 

DMCI is proud to work with Kathryn Basham, owner and curator of Bright & Brine Fine Art  Gallery, to lead this new programming. Downtown Moncton property owners interested in  participating in the program may reach out to DMCI also wishes to  acknowledge and thank the City of Moncton and INCOLOR Inc. for their partnership with this  project.

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About DMCI 

Downtown Moncton Centre-ville Inc. (DMCI) is an independent, non-profit organization funded by  the commercial building and property owners located in the Business Improvement Area (BIA).  DMCI aims to foster a vibrant downtown that everyone can be proud of. 

Media contact: 

Melissa Drisdelle
Membership Engagement Coordinator
Downtown Moncton Centre-ville Inc.